Unlimited classes for 2 weeks
Membership auto renews; after 6 months you can cancel with a 30 day notice.
4-month expiration
8-month expiration (Shareable with one other person)
1 week unlimited for out of town visitor
75 minute group beach or deck yoga session for up to 5 people, each additional person is $20. Please call to schedule or schedule at studio.
1-hour individual session will take place at studio with personal choice of teacher. Scheduling available after, before, or between classes. Please call to schedule or schedule at studio.
1-hour private group class will take place at studio with personal choice of teacher for a group of 2- 4 people. Scheduling available after, before, or between classes. Please call to schedule or schedule at studio.
Bliss Yoga Unlimited Monthly Members 10% off
Bliss Yoga Unlimited Monthly Members 10% off
Bliss Yoga Unlimited Monthly Members 10% off